waistUPwardrobe™ is a live podcast for all things you need to know to conduct an outstanding zoom meeting. It’s about how to dress for the camera, but it’s not just about the clothes! It’s about everything you need to know to show up on brand and professionally for the camera. Join me in the waistUPwardrobe™ studio to discuss how to navigate this virtual world and dominate from behind the desk.
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
e30 MINDSET series: Physically Unbreakable? Only if You Believe It!
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
waistUPwardrobe™ episode 30. MINDSET series: Physically Unbreakable? Only if You Believe It!
What is it about athletes, super athletes and those who train hard that can make them go there? We've heard about mental strength, but what exactly is mental strength? Where does it come from? What mindset does a super athlete need to possess to want it more than it challenges them? Join me on this episode where I interview a super athlete who has been through triathlons and more challenging his body beyond what is probable. The best metaphor in life is the one that likens physical training to training for life. We can learn a lot about MINDset from those who train hard.
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
e29 The MINDSET Series: The Power of Pivot
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
e29 The MINDSET Series: The Power of Pivot
As a business owner you will face challenges and bumps in the entrepreneurial road. Your success is directly related to how you adapt, and how quickly you do it. Don't get stuck in place, instead pivot and prosper. In this episode get ready for a powerful speaker who is a serial entrepreneur, a master mentor and a scaling genius. Helping businesses grow, scale and if necessary pivot is her passion.
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
e28 MINDSET Series: The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
e28 MINDSET Series: The Entrepreneurial Mindset
The entrepreneurial journey requires a positive mindset. How do you develop that positive mindset? How do you continue to hone it? In this episode we will discuss attributes of a positive mindset and how to reinforce it. The mindset that is required to reach your goals and overcome challenges during your entrepreneurial journey.
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
e27 MINDSET Series: Meditate to a Positive Mindset
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
episode 27. MINDSET series: Meditate to a Positive Mindset
You know that saying... "Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve." Mastering your thoughts can help you achieve beyond your wildest dreams. Mediation has been a way to master your mind. In this episode, our master meditation expert will take us on a journey and help us understand how to meditate our way to a positive mindset.
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
e26 MINDSET Series - Your MINDSET Shapes Your Business
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
Thursday Jan 07, 2021
MINDSET • What is it? Why is it important?
waistUPwardrobe™ is designed to cover everything waistUP that is on camera visible or subliminal. Your mindset is a key ingredient to advancing your business and your personal endeavors, so get that mindset right! This episode will focus on what exactly is mindset? Why is it important and show you how a positive mindset can make the difference in your business.
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
e25 Three Keys to the ZOOM ROOM
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
episode 25. Three KEYS to the ZOOM ROOM.
Confused about where to start when designing your dream ZOOM ROOM? waistUPwardrobe™ is designed with elevating your ZOOM ROOM presence in mind. Yes, there are many layers to creating your dream ZOOM ROOM, but in this episode of waistUPwardrobe™, I will be summing up the
3 KEYS - those essential elements you need to dominate from your virtual office.
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
e24 You are Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Episode 24. You are Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile!
SMILE&SHINE and make sure your smile is well maintained because smile care is health care. Your smile is the first thing people notice about you. Join me as I interview Dr. John Vartanian cosmetic dentist & my husband who will discuss the best methods to keep those pearly whites in tip-top shape.
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
e23 Zoom Fatigue
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
Thursday Dec 17, 2020
episode 23. Zoom Fatigue.
As we've all moved from meeting face-to-face to ten zoom meetings per day, the idea of zoom fatigue has been on the minds of many. It's a real thing!
We'll explore why zoom can be so draining and some techniques that can help combat zoom fatigue.
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
e22 Dress Code Spectrum
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 10, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
e21 Body Language Speaks as Loud as Words
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
episode 21. Body language speaks as loud as words.
The way you move your body is a way of communication. How is your body language? Wanna know? Well, our guest speaker Cara Grodin is going to help us understand what our body is saying on camera and show us how to be aware of the signals we are sending.